Mission Satement and Values
Mission Statement
The mission of the Department of Public Safety is to maintain the high quality of life enjoyed by our community by ensuring our city is a safe place to live, work and visit. This will be accomplished through safeguarding individual liberties, building community partnerships, and preventing and resolving crime.
We are committed to the mission of our department and conduct ourselves toward a goal of excellence and with dedication to the community we serve.
The values of the Department of Public Safety are centered around people, leadership, service, and professionalism.
The preservation and protection of life is our top priority.
We believe our employees are our most important asset.
We view all our employees as leaders. We believe in positive leadership with vision towards the future. We will mentor and empower ethical leaders throughout the organization. We will conduct ourselves as leaders in the community.
We are committed to public service and the improvement of the quality of life in our community, through community partnerships and mutual accountability.
We are committed to becoming the profession’s benchmark, through constant attention to self improvement and development of optimum departmental systems focused on quality performance and results.