Fire Department
The Department of Public Safety was formed in 2004 and incorporated the Police and Fire Departments into one Department. The Fire Department is staffed with Public Safety Officers as well as Paid per Call Firefighters. Since the DPS was formed, Police Officers (now called Public Safety Officers) are now all cross-trained as Firefighters which allows the Fire Department to maintain 24/7 staffing. In addition to the PSO’s, the department is supplemented by full-time City Employees who are also cross-trained as Firefighters as well as paid volunteers from within the community.
All members of the DPS attend the Basic Firefighter’s Academy and complete monthly in-service training. All members are in on-call status 24/7 to handle fire and rescue calls within the city.
In 2008, the DPS underwent a re-inspection and was able to reduce it’s ISO rating to a 4. The rating was maintained during our 2015 inspection.
The city maintains 2 Fire Stations in the City of Waverly, one being on the Public Safety Complex at 103 East Main St. and the other on West Main near Hwy 70 West.